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Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 83: 39267, 30 jan. 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP, SESSP-ACVSES, SESSP-IALPROD, SES-SP, SESSP-IALACERVO | ID: biblio-1552342


A incidência da dengue, doença viral transmitida pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti, vem crescendo em Porto Alegre ao longo dos anos, com recorde de casos registrados em 2022. Epidemias da doença parecem ocorrer de forma cíclica no município, com registros a cada três anos. Dada a influência de fatores climáticos no ciclo de vida do vetor, este trabalho buscou analisar a influência de determinantes meteorológicos na periodicidade de epidemias de dengue na capital gaúcha entre 2010 e 2022. Análises descritivas foram realizadas para averiguar o padrão dos indicadores climáticos e dos casos de dengue ao longo dos anos, ao passo que análises estatísticas foram feitas para avaliar a correlação entre os fatores climáticos e os casos autóctones registrados entre 2016 e 2022. Os resultados obtidos não apontaram padrões meteorológicos que se repetem a cada três anos e que poderiam explicar a ciclicidade observada. Ainda, não foram constatadas correlações entre temperatura, umidade e pluviosidade com casos autóctones de dengue no município, ao menos em nível quadrimestral. Para além destas análises, constatou-se expressivo aumento de casos em 2022, apesar dos esforços de controle desempenhados pelo poder público, o que aponta a necessidade de maior investimento em educação em saúde para a população. (AU)

The incidence of dengue, a viral disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, has been increasing in Porto Alegre over the years, with a record number of cases reported in 2022. Epidemics of the disease seem to occur cyclically in the city, with reports every three years. Given the influence of climatic factors on the vector's life cycle, this study aimed to analyze the influence of meteorological determinants on the periodicity of dengue epidemics in Porto Alegre between 2010 and 2022. Descriptive analyses were used to investigate the pattern of climatic indicators and dengue cases over the years, while statistical analyses were performed to evaluate the correlation between climatic factors and autochthonous cases registered between 2016 and 2022. The results did not point out meteorological patterns that repeat every three years and could explain the observed cyclicity. Furthermore, no correlations were found between temperature, humidity and rainfall and autochthonous dengue cases in the city, at least on a four-monthly basis. Beyond these analyses, a significant increase in dengue cases was observed in 2022, despite the efforts of the public authorities to control the disease, which highlights the need for greater investment in health education for the population. (AU)

Climate , Aedes , Dengue , Meteorology , Epidemics
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533952


Introducción. Aedes albopictus es un vector de arbovirus como dengue, Zika, chikungunya y fiebre amarilla. Los primeros reportes en el continente americano datan de 1985 y dada su capacidad de adaptación ecológica y fisiológica, se ha distribuido rápidamente en el territorio colombiano desde su primer reporte en 1998. Objetivo. Determinar la distribución de A. albopictus en las comunas de Ibagué, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Los muestreos se realizaron entre mayo y noviembre de 2022 en zonas con abundante vegetación de las 13 comunas de Ibagué. Se emplearon aspiradores y redes entomológicas. Los mosquitos fueron transportados al Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Parasitología Tropical de la Universidad del Tolima para su determinación taxonómica. Resultados. Se identificaron 708 ejemplares de A. albopictus, distribuidos en las comunas de Ibagué. La mayor abundancia del vector se presentó en las comunas 10, 11, 7, 8, 2 y 9. Las comunas 3, 4, 5, 6, 12 y 13 presentaron abundancias relativas cercanas al 3 %, y la comuna 1 tuvo una abundancia del 2 %. Conclusiones. Aedes albopictus está distribuido en todas las comunas de Ibagué, probablemente su dispersión se ha visto favorecida por las condiciones ambientales y sociales de esta región. Se recomienda hacer seguimiento anual a las poblaciones de este vector y realizar una caracterización molecular de los arbovirus encontrados. Además, el conocer la distribución de este mosquito en la ciudad permitirá focalizar las estrategias de control entomológico y prevenir futuros brotes de arbovirosis.

Introduction. Aedes albopictus is a vector for arboviruses, such as dengue, Zika, chikungunya, and yellow fever. The first A. albopictus reports on the American continent date back to 1985. It has spread rapidly throughout Colombia since its first report in 1998 due to its ecological and physiological adaptation capability. Objective. To determine A. albopictus distribution in the 13 communes of Ibagué, Colombia. Materials and methods. Samples were collected between May and November 2022 in the 13 communes of Ibagué. Vacuum sampling and sweep-netting entomological nets were used in areas with abundant vegetation. The mosquitoes were transported to the Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Parasitología Tropical at the Universidad del Tolima for taxonomic determination. Results. We identified 708 A. albopictus specimens distributed throughout Ibague's 13 communes. The highest vector abundance occurred in communes 10, 11, 7, 8, 2, and 9; communes 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, and 13 had a relative abundance of around 3%, while commune 1 had 2% of relative abundance. Conclusions. Aedes albopictus is distributed throughout all the communes of Ibague. Its dispersion has probably been favored by this region's environmental and social conditions. We recommend annual monitoring of these vectors populations and molecular characterization of the found arboviruses. Ascertaining this mosquito's distribution throughout the city will enable focusing entomological control strategies and preventing future arbovirus outbreaks.

Cambios rev. méd ; 22 (2), 2023;22(2): 834, 16 octubre 2023. ilus., tabs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526566


INTRODUCCIÓN. El dengue es una enfermedad infecciosa de origen viral, transmitida principalmente por el mosquito Aedes aegypti. Es un grave problema de salud pública a nivel mundial, en las Américas y en el Ecuador. OBJETIVOS. Analizar el comportamiento epidemiológico del dengue desde 1980 hasta el 2020, los factores de riesgo que mantienen la transmisión y las acciones que el país ha implementado para su prevención y control. METODOLOGÍA. Revisión bibliográfica narrativa, teniendo como fuente las páginas web de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador, artículos de revistas de bibliotecas virtuales e informes técnicos publicados en Google académico, Scielo, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y PubMed. RESULTADOS. Los registros encontrados sobre presencia de casos de dengue datan de 1988 cuando se presentó la gran epidemia de dengue en Guayaquil. Posteriormente, mantiene un comportamiento endemo-epidémico. A partir del año 2000 se presentan casos de dengue grave. Su pico más alto de letalidad fue de 2,44% en el 2010. El serotipo DEN 1 es el más frecuente, pero a partir del 2000 circulan los 4 serotipos. Las acciones de prevención y control no han sido sostenidas. CONCLUSIONES. El dengue en Ecuador en los últimos cuarenta años mantiene una importante trasmisión, caracterizada por años epidémicos. No ha podido ser controlado el vector, el cual ha ido infestando más localidades. Las condicionantes climáticas y ecológicas, explican en parte la persistencia, pero la determinación más importante está dada por las inequidades sociales, falta de servicios básicos, y la poca continuidad e impacto de las medidas de prevención y control.

INTRODUCTION. Dengue is an infectious disease of viral origin, transmitted mainly by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. It is a serious public health problem worldwide, in the Americas and in Ecuador. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the epidemiological behavior of dengue fever from 1980 to 2020, the risk factors that maintain transmission and the actions that the country has implemented for its prevention and control. METHODOLOGY. Narrative bibliographic review, taking as sources the web pages of the World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization, Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador, journal articles from virtual libraries and technical reports published in Google Scholar, Scielo, Virtual Health Library and PubMed. RESULTS. The records found on the presence of dengue cases date back to 1988 when the great dengue epidemic occurred in Guayaquil. Subsequently, it maintained an endemic-epidemic behavior. Beginning in 2000, severe cases of dengue fever occurred. Its highest lethality peak was 2.44% in 2010. DEN 1 serotype is the most frequent, but since 2000 all 4 serotypes have been circulating. Prevention and control actions have not been sustained. CONCLUSIONS. Dengue in Ecuador over the last forty years has maintained an important transmission, characterized by epidemic years. It has not been possible to control the vector, which has been infesting more localities. Climatic and ecological conditions partly explain its persistence, but the most important determinant is given by social inequalities, lack of basic services, and the lack of continuity and impact of prevention and control measures.

Humans , Male , Female , Risk Factors , Aedes , Dengue , Dengue Virus , Ecuador , Insect Vectors , Epidemiology , Severe Dengue
Vive (El Alto) ; 6(17)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515625


La salud de la población selvática está en riesgo por la presencia del mosquito de la especie Aedes aegypti. Objetivo. Determinar el control de propagación y formas de prevención del dengue que afecta la salud de los pobladores de la región amazónica peruana. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio mixto, de carácter descriptivo fenomenológicos sobre la presencia del mosquito transmisor del dengue, la población estuvo constituida tres mil pobladores que viven alrededor de la laguna Yarinacocha en el distrito de Yarinacocha provincia de Coronel Portillo de la ciudad de Pucallpa, constando con una muestra representativa de veintidós familias a conveniencia del investigador y que pertenecen en calidad de estudiante de la Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía. Se aplicó la observación y entrevista como técnica, además sus instrumentos como la ficha de observación y ficha de entrevista permitió identificar su conocimiento, tratamiento y prevención del dengue. Resultados. La mayoría de los pobladores conocen la forma de propagación, tratamiento y los cuidados de esta plaga que existe en la Amazonía, en consecuencia, el dengue es una enfermedad que afecta la salud de la población de la selva peruana, la detección y la intervención tardía en los pacientes complica la vida, por ello, optan a diversas alternativas para su tratamiento, prevención y para no propagación se utiliza conocimientos ancestrales y científicas. Conclusiones. El dengue es una enfermedad que se propaga rápidamente en las regiones donde hay presencia de zancudo, su complicación puede terminar en un derrame y fallecimiento en los pacientes de alto riesgo.

The health of the jungle population is at risk due to the presence of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Objective. To determine the control of the spread and prevention of dengue that affects the health of the Peruvian Amazonian region. Materials and methods. The population consisted of three thousand inhabitants living around the Yarinacocha lagoon in the district of Yarinacocha in the province of Coronel Portillo in the city of Pucallpa, with a representative sample of twenty-two families at the convenience of the researcher and who belong as students of the National Intercultural University of the Amazon. Observation and interview were applied as a technique, in addition to their instruments such as the observation and interview forms, which allowed identifying their knowledge, treatment and prevention of dengue fever. Results. Most of the villagers know the way of propagation, treatment and care of this plague that exists in the Amazon, consequently, dengue is a disease that affects the health of the population of the Peruvian jungle, detection and late intervention in patients complicates their lives, therefore, they opt for various alternatives for treatment, prevention and for not spreading it using ancestral and scientific knowledge. Conclusions. Dengue is a disease that spreads rapidly in regions where the mosquito is present, its complication can end in a stroke and death in high-risk patients.

A saúde da população florestal está em risco devido à presença do mosquito Aedes aegypti. Objetivo. Determinar o controle da disseminação e a prevenção da dengue que afeta a saúde dos habitantes da região amazônica peruana. Materiais e métodos. Foi realizado um estudo misto, descritivo-fenomenológico, sobre a presença do mosquito transmissor da dengue, cuja população foi composta por três mil habitantes que vivem ao redor da lagoa Yarinacocha, no distrito de Yarinacocha, na província de Coronel Portillo, na cidade de Pucallpa, com uma amostra representativa de 22 famílias, de acordo com a conveniência do pesquisador e que são estudantes da Universidade Nacional Intercultural da Amazônia. A observação e as entrevistas foram usadas como técnicas, e instrumentos como os formulários de observação e entrevista foram usados para identificar seu conhecimento, tratamento e prevenção da dengue. Resultados. A maioria dos moradores conhece a forma de propagação, tratamento e cuidado desta praga que existe na Amazônia, consequentemente, a dengue é uma doença que afeta a saúde da população da selva peruana, a detecção e intervenção tardia nos pacientes complica a vida, portanto, optar por várias alternativas para o tratamento, prevenção e não propagação é usado conhecimento ancestral e científico. Conclusões. A dengue é uma doença que se espalha rapidamente em regiões onde os mosquitos estão presentes, e suas complicações podem levar a acidente vascular cerebral e morte em pacientes de alto risco.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(2): 222-243, jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533927


Introducción. El desarrollo de la resistencia a insecticidas de Aedes aegypti representa una gran amenaza para la salud pública. La vigilancia y el monitoreo de la eficacia biológica a los insecticidas y la sensibilidad de las poblaciones de Aedes aegypti es de fundamental importancia para prolongar la vida útil de estas moléculas. Objetivo. Evaluar la eficacia biológica de los insecticidas deltametrina y ciflutrina y la sensibilidad de poblaciones de Aedes aegypti a estos insecticidas durante el brote epidémico de virus del Zika en Kuna Yala, Panamá. Materiales y métodos. Se evaluó la eficacia biológica de la deltametrina y la ciflutrina, y la sensibilidad a estos insecticidas de poblaciones de la cepa Aedes aegypti Ustupo, mediante bioensayos estandarizados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud durante el brote epidémico de virus del Zika en Kuna Yala, Panamá. Resultados. En los bioensayos con Aedes aegypti Ustupo se observó posible resistencia a deltametrina y a ciflutrina con un porcentaje de mortalidad del 95,3 y 94 %, respectivamente. Se registró baja eficacia biológica con la cepa Aedes aegypti Ustupo para la deltametrina y la ciflutrina, con medias de porcentajes de mortalidad de 75 y 31,1 %, en el intradomicilio, mientras que en el peridomicilio fue de 63,7 y 26,1 %, respectivamente. Conclusión. Los resultados de este estudio representan un desafío que debe enfrentar el Programa Nacional de Control de Aedes para lograr cuidar y mantener el efecto tóxico de los insecticidas aplicados contra las poblaciones de Aedes. Es necesario que el Programa Nacional de Control de Aedes establezca unos lineamientos de manejo de la resistencia para caracterizarla y evaluar la distribución geográfica de las poblaciones afectadas. Lo anterior con el propósito de garantizar la sostenibilidad de las intervenciones antivectoriales contra las poblaciones de Aedes.

Introduction. The development of resistance to insecticides in Aedes aegypti represents a major threat to public health. Surveillance and monitoring of the biological efficacy and sensibility of Aedes aegypti populations to insecticides is fundamental to prolong the useful life of insecticide molecules. Objective. To evaluate the biological efficacy of deltamethrin and cyfluthrin and sensibility to insecticides in Aedes aegypti during the zika epidemic outbreak in Kuna Yala, Panama. Materials and methods. We assessed the biological efficacy of deltamethrin and cyfluthrin, and sensibility in the strain Aedes aegypti Ustupo using bioassays standardized by the World Health Organization during the Zika epidemic outbreak in Kuna Yala, Panama. Results. In the bioassays with Aedes aegypti Ustupo, we observed a possible resistance to deltamethrin and cyfluthrin with a mortality rate of 95,3 and 94%, respectively. The obtained results registered low biological efficacy of deltamethrin and cyfluthrin with average percentages of mortality of 75 and 31.1% in the intradomicile, and 63,7 and 26.1% in the peridomicile. Conclusion. The results of this study represent a challenge for the National Aedes Control Program to care for and maintain the toxic effect of insecticides applied against Aedes populations. There is a need for the National Aedes Control Program to establish some guidelines about resistance assessment and resistant populations' geographic distribution to guarantee the sustainability of anti-vector interventions against Aedes populations.

Insecticide Resistance , Aedes , Zika Virus , Vector Control of Diseases , Dengue
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(2): 296-304, jun. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533938


Introducción. El dengue es un problema de salud pública para el departamento de La Guajira. El control se ha enfocado en el vector con el uso de insecticidas, entre ellos los organofosforados. Objetivo. Evaluar el estado de la sensibilidad a insecticidas organofosforados de quince poblaciones de Aedes aegypti (L.) en el departamento de La Guajira, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se realizaron bioensayos para temefos, malatión y pirimifos- metil en larvas de tercer estadio y mosquitos adultos de Ae. aegypti en los municipios de Albania, Barrancas, Dibulla, Distracción, El Molino, Fonseca, Hatonuevo, La Jagua del Pilar, Maicao, Manaure, Riohacha, San Juan del Cesar, Uribia, Urumita y Villanueva, siguiendo la metodología de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y la técnica de botellas usando la guía de los de los Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, respectivamente. Se determinó la sensibilidad por medio de la relación de resistencia a CL50 y CL95 (RRCL50, RRCL95) para temefos y a dosis y tiempo diagnóstico para temefos, malatión y pirimifos-metil en las poblaciones de campo evaluadas, usando como control la cepa sensible Rockefeller. Resultados. Las 15 poblaciones del departamento de La Guajira son sensibles a: temefos (relación de la resistencia a CL50<5,0; relación de resistencia a CL95<5,0; 98 a 100 % de mortalidad); pirimifos-metil (99 a 100 % de mortalidad) y malatión (100 % de mortalidad). Conclusión. Con base en los resultados obtenidos, es factible el uso de temefos, malatión y pirimifos-metil para el control de Ae. aegypti en las poblaciones evaluadas.

Introduction. Dengue is a public health problem in La Guajira region. Control has focused on the vector using insecticides, including organophosphates. Objective. To evaluate the state of susceptibility to organophosphates insecticides in fifteen Aedes aegypti (L.) populations in La Guajira, Colombia. Materials and methods. We collected samples of third-instar larvae and adult mosquitoes of Ae. aegypti in the municipalities of Albania, Barrancas, Dibulla, Distracción, El Molino, Fonseca, Hatonuevo, La Jagua del Pilar, Maicao, Manaure, Riohacha, San Juan del Cesar, Uribia, Urumita, Villanueva. Bioassays for temefos, malathion, and pirimiphos-methyl were carried out following the methodology of the World Health Organization, and the bottle technique using the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Susceptibility to temefos was determined through the resistance ratio between lethal concentration 50 and lethal concentration 95; for the compounds temefos, malathion and pirimiphos-methyl, susceptibility was calculated using diagnostic dose and diagnostic time in the populations evaluated. Rockefeller susceptible strain was used as a control. Results. All evaluated populations of Ae. aegypti from La Guajira were found to be susceptible to temefos (ratio resistance to CL50<5.0; ratio resistance to CL95<5.0; 98 - 100 % mortality); pirimiphosmethyl (99 - 100 % mortality), and malathion (100 % mortality). Conclusion. Based on the results, the use of temefos, malathion, and pirimiphosmethyl is feasible for the control of Ae. aegypti in the evaluated populations.

Aedes , Insecticides, Organophosphate , Temefos , Insecticide Resistance , Colombia , Malathion
Con-ciencia (La Paz) ; 11(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448046


Introducción: El dengue se ha convertido en un problema serio de salud pública en Bolivia. Por la capacidad de infección del virus del dengue, el diagnóstico es amplio y varia con la evolución de la enfermedad. El incremento de la temperatura y las lluvias de la época son los factores ambientales principales para la reproducción del mosquito transmisor (Aedes aegypti), y el aumento de casos de dengue. Objetivos: Realizar un estudio transversal-retrospectivo de los casos de dengue en el departamento de La Paz - Bolivia, durante el periodo de enero de 2020 hasta febrero de 2023. Materiales y Métodos: De las bases obtenidas del Laboratorio de Virología- INLASA, se analizaron variables como el número de casos positivos de cada gestión, la distribución de los casos positivos según el lugar probable de infección tanto por departamento como por provincia, la variación temporal de los casos y el serotipo prevalente por gestión, y la distribución de casos positivos por género y grupo etario, en este trabajo se realizó un estudio transversal-retrospectivo. Resultados: Durante las cuatro gestiones analizadas el número total de casos notificados fue de 2143, detectando 1184 (55.2%) positivos. Señalando como lugar probable de infección en gran parte la provincia de Sud Yungas. Con respecto a la variación temporal presentó un mismo comportamiento en tres gestiones. Prevaleció en tres gestiones el serotipo DENV 1 sobre DENV 2, observando un aumento de serotipo DENV 2 hasta febrero del 2023. Además, el grupo atareo más afectado con dengue oscila entre los 10 a 39 años, no encontrando diferencia significativa entre género masculino y femenino. Conclusiones: Este estudio revela que el dengue es un problema de salud pública no solo del oriente del país sino también de las zonas tropicales del departamento de La Paz. Es necesario el diagnóstico rápido y efectivo; realizar la tipificación del virus y el llenado correcto de fichas epidemiológicas para un mejor control virológico.

Background: Dengue has become a serious problem in public health in Bolivia. Due the infection capacity of dengue virus, the diagnosis is broad and varies with the evolution of the disease. The increase of temperature and rain season are the main environmental factors of reproduction in the transmitting mosquito (Aedes aegipty), and the increase in dengue cases. Objectives: To carry out a retrospective crossover study of dengue cases in La Paz Department - Bolivia, during the period from January 2020 to February 2023. Materials and Methods: From databases obtained from INLASA Virology Laboratory during periods 2020, 2021, 2022 and the beginnings of 2023, variables such as number of positive cases from each year, distribution of positive cases according to the probable place of infection were obtained and analyzed, by department and by province; the temporal variation of the cases and the prevalent serotype by period, and finally distribution of positive cases by sex group and age group. Its make a retrospective crossover study. Results: During the four analyzed periods, within the total number of 2143 reported cases, there were 1184 (55.2%) of positive cases for Dengue. On the other hand, the department of La Paz (86.3%) is indicated as the probable place of infection, with Sud Yungas province (municipalities La Asunta and Palos Blancos) being the places with the most positive cases. The temporal variation in suspected and confirmed cases has presented the same behavior in three years. DENV 1 serotype predominated over DENV 2 in three years, observing an increase in DENV 2 serotype until February 2023. In addition, the age group most affected by dengue ranges from 10 to 39 years, finding no significant difference between masculine and feminine gender. Discussions: An increase in cases between months of February and April, coinciding with rain season in Bolivia. Due to the climate in the tropical areas of the department, there is a greater number of positive cases in those areas. Conclusions: This study reveals that Dengue is a public health problem not only in eastern part of the country but also in tropical areas of La Paz department. A quick and effective diagnosis is necessary; to carry out the typing of the virus and the correct filling out of epidemiological files for better virological control.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(6): 1767-1776, jun. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439852


Resumo As arboviroses, sobretudo as transmitidas pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti, têm-se constituído em grave problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Com o intuito de analisar como o saneamento básico é abordado em instrumentos norteadores das políticas públicas de controle das arboviroses no país, foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo em oito documentos governamentais de referência. Como resultados, foi possível identificar que aspectos relacionados à comunicação e mobilização social, controle vetorial e gestão são os temas mais abordados nos documentos analisados. Já as componentes do saneamento básico, destacando-se o manejo e a drenagem das águas pluviais e o esgotamento sanitário não são abordados nos instrumentos. A intersetorialidade é mencionada, no entanto, não existem proposições específicas que apontem e assegurem sua implementação. As Diretrizes Nacionais para a Prevenção e Controle de Epidemias de Dengue, do Ministério da Saúde, constitui-se no documento mais completo sobre o assunto. Conclui-se que o saneamento básico não está suficientemente abordado nos instrumentos de enfrentamento às arboviroses o que pode contribuir para a baixa efetividade de intervenção pública e que, portanto, tal contradição precisa ser superada pelas políticas públicas no Brasil.

Abstract Arboviruses, especially those transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, have become a serious public health problem in Brazil. In order to analyze how sanitation is addressed in the basic guidelines of public policies to control arboviruses in the country, content analysis was performed on eight governmental reference documents. As a result, it was possible to identify that aspects related to communication and social mobilization, vector control, and management are the themes most addressed in the documents analyzed. On the other hand, the components of basic sanitation, especially rainwater management and drainage, and sewage control, are not addressed in the instruments. Intersectorality is mentioned, however, there are no specific proposals to implement the plan and ensure its implementation. The Ministry of Health's National Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Dengue Epidemics is the most complete document on the subject. The conclusion drawn is that basic sanitation is not sufficiently addressed in the instruments for combatting arboviruses, which can contribute to the low effectiveness of public intervention and, consequently, this discrepancy needs to be focused on by public policies in Brazil.

Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 75(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550873


Introducción: El dengue es considerado un problema de la salud pública con un comportamiento endémico-epidémico en Colombia, por lo cual los programas de vigilancia epidemiológica se enfocan en la prevención y control. Objetivo: Evaluar la comprensión y el comportamiento de la población del municipio de Barbosa (Santander, Colombia) acerca del virus del dengue y el vector por medio de un instrumento de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas (CAP). Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal analítico en el que participaron 93 habitantes del municipio de Barbosa, seleccionados por un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se empleó un instrumento de CAP validado. La información fue sistematizada y analizada en el programa SPSS v. 26.0. Resultados: El 78,5 por cientode los encuestados mostraron conocimientos deficientes con un puntaje obtenido inferior a 70 puntos. El 73,1 por ciento de los habitantes presentó actitudes negativas con un resultado igual o inferior a 24 puntos. El 67,7 por ciento de la población presentó buenas prácticas, con un resultado mayor o igual a 14 puntos. Se evidencia que, a menor edad, son mayores las actitudes desfavorables frente a la infección por dengue (OR 2,67 IC 95 por ciento 1,03-7,1). Conclusiones: Educar a la población de manera más efectiva acerca de los conocimientos básicos sobre el dengue sigue siendo una estrategia necesaria, además de crear conciencia de que las prácticas en el hogar se deben ejecutar con la finalidad de eliminar el vector y no solo como mecanismo de limpieza. Se deben implementar diferentes estrategias comunicativas para educar a los ciudadanos en este sentido(AU)

Introduction: Dengue is considered a public health problem with endemic-epidemic behavior in Colombia; therefore, epidemiological surveillance programs are aimed at its prevention and control. Objective: To evaluate the understanding and behavior of the population from the municipality of Barbosa (Santander, Colombia) on dengue virus and its vector through a knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) survey. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted which included 93 residents of the municipality of Barbosa, selected based on non-probabilistic and convenience sampling A validated KAP instrument was used. The information was systematized and analyzed in SPSS v. 26.0. The information was systematized and analyzed in SPSS v. 26.0. Results: Among the respondents, 78.5 percent showed deficient knowledge with a score below 70 points. Negative attitudes were found in 73.1 percent of the residents with a score equal to or lower than 24 points. Best practices were reported by 67.7 percent of the population, with a score greater than or equal to 14 points. It is evident that at younger ages, unfavorable attitudes towards dengue infection are higher (OR 2.67 CI 95% 1.03-7.1). Conclusions: Educating the population more effectively about basic knowledge of dengue remains a necessary strategy, in addition to raising awareness that household practices should be carried out to eliminate the vector and not only as a cleaning mechanism. Different communicative strategies should be implemented to educate citizens in this regard(AU)

Humans , Dengue/prevention & control , Education, Medical
Medisur ; 21(2)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440655


Fundamento el conocimiento acerca de la focalidad por mosquitos motiva a pobladores y decisores a trabajar sobre las cuestiones que inciden en la proliferación de estos vectores; así como a una participación comunitaria eficaz, y el éxito en la prevención y control de las arbovirosis. Objetivo caracterizar los focos de mosquitos Aedes aegypti. Métodos se realizó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo, y de corte transversal, acerca de los focos de Aedes aegypti detectados en el municipio de Abreus, provincia de Cienfuegos, en el período 2016-2022. El universo fue de 390 focos, para los cuales se describieron las variables: semana estadística, mes y año de diagnóstico, consejo popular, tipo de depósito, lugar de la vivienda donde se encontró y fase del mosquito al diagnóstico. Se utilizaron datos de las encuestas entomológicas y los registros del laboratorio de Entomología Médica de la Unidad Municipal de Higiene y Epidemiología. Resultados la mediana del número de focos de Aedes aegypti correspondió a la semana estadística 32 de cada año. La mayor cantidad de focos se detectó en los consejos populares de Abreus (165) y Juraguá (102); hallados sobre todo en patios (85,5 %) y tanques bajos (55,5 %). Predominó la fase larvaria en IV estadio (82,3 %). Conclusiones en el municipio de Abreus la focalidad por mosquitos Aedes aegypti se caracterizó por su mayor incidencia en los meses de junio a septiembre, con predominio en el consejo popular de Abreus, sobre todo en tanques bajos y patios. El mayor número fue diagnosticado en la IV fase.

Background knowledge about the mosquito's breeding grounds motivates residents and decision makers to work on the issues that affect the mosquito proliferation; as well as effective community participation, and success in the prevention and control of arboviral diseases. Objective to characterize the Aedes aegypti mosquito's breeding grounds. Methods an observational, retrospective, and cross-sectional study was carried out on Aedes aegypti's breeding grounds detected in the Abreus municipality, Cienfuegos province, from 2016 to 2022. 390 breeding grounds were the universe, for which the described variables were: statistical week, month and year of diagnosis, neighborhood, type of deposit, place of residence where it was found, and phase of the mosquito at diagnosis. Data from entomological surveys and records from the Municipal Hygiene and Epidemiology Unit's Medical Entomology laboratory were used. Results the median number of Aedes aegypti breeding grounds corresponded to statistical week 32 of each year. The largest number of outbreaks was detected in the Abreus' neighborhood (165) and Juraguá (102); found mainly in yards (85.5 %) and low tanks (55.5 %). The larval phase in IV stage predominated (82.3 %). Conclusions in the municipality of Abreus, the focality of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes was characterized by its highest incidence in the months of June to September, with predominance in the popular council of Abreus, especially in low tanks and yards. The largest number was diagnosed in the IV phase.

RECIIS (Online) ; 17(1): 206-224, jan.-marc. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419254


Aedes aegypti é o principal vetor dos agentes etiológicos de dengue, zika e chikungunya, doenças para as quais não existem vacinas totalmente eficazes. Alternativas de controle visando mitigar essas arboviroses são primordiais. Entre essas, o controle mecânico aborda práticas de eliminação e/ou limpeza de criadouros do vetor. Neste relato, apresentamos e avaliamos criticamente ações realizadas pelo grupo, ocorridas entre 2016 e 2019, nas quais divulgamos informação científica clara através do diálogo com a população. Os métodos utilizados foram: 1) palestras em escolas (público infantojuvenil) utilizando slides, fotos e vídeos; 2) oficinas (público misto), estande com material in vivo do ciclo de vida do Aedes, jogos e desenhos. Analisamos dez palestras em escolas do ensino fundamental e médio e vinte oficinas realizadas em diferentes regiões do Brasil. Concluímos que tais ações e suas análises críticas devem ser realizadas continuamente para que sejam bem-sucedidas

Aedes aegypti is the main vector of dengue, zika, and chikungunya etiological agents, diseases for which no effective vaccines are available. Control alternatives aimed at mitigating these arboviruses are essential. Among such, mechanical control addresses practices of elimination and/or cleaning of vector breeding sites. Here, we presented and critically evaluated actions carried out by ourselves. These actions took place between 2016 and 2019, where we disseminated clear scientific information through dialogue with the population. The following methods were employed: 1) lectures in schools (children and youth audiences) using slides, photos, and videos; 2) workshops (mixed audience), stand with in vivo material from the Aedeslife cycle, games, and drawings. Ten lectures in elementary and high schools and twenty workshops held in different regions of Brazil were analyzed. It was concluded that such actions and their critical analyzes must be carried out continuously to be successful

Aedes aegypti es el principal vector de los agentes etiológicos del dengue, zika y chikungunya, enfermedades para las que no existen vacunas totalmente eficaces. Las alternativas de control para mitigar estas arbovirosis son fundamentales. El control mecánico, representa una de estas alternativas, aborda prácticas de eliminación y/o limpieza de criaderos del vector. En este informe presentamos y evaluamos de manera crítica las acciones realizadas por el grupo entre los años 2016 y 2019. Presentamos información científica clara a través del diálogo con la población mediante los siguientes métodos: 1) conferencias en escuelas (público infantil) utilizando diapositivas, fotos y videos; 2) Talleres (público mixto), stand con material in vivo del ciclo de vida del Aedes, juegos y dibujos. Analizamos diez conferencias en escuelas (primarias y secundarias) y veinte talleres realizados en diferentes regiones de Brasil. Concluimos que tales acciones y el análisis crítico de las mismas deben llevarse a cabo de manera continua para que resulten exitosas.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Mosquito Control , Health Education/methods , Aedes/growth & development , Educational and Promotional Materials , Teaching Materials , Brazil , Health Fairs , Dengue/prevention & control , Qualitative Research , Chikungunya Fever/prevention & control , Zika Virus Infection/prevention & control , Health Promotion/methods
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(1): 131-144, mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533915


Introducción. La pandemia por COVID-19 presionó los sistemas de salud para mantener alerta y activos los programas de control y prevención de las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores, y generó cambios en las estrategias de control vectorial en áreas urbanas afectadas por el dengue, el Zika y el chikunguña. Objetivo. Describir las adaptaciones del programa de vigilancia y control de vectores en Medellín durante la contingencia sanitaria por COVID-19. Materiales y métodos. Iniciada la emergencia sanitaria, se elaboraron protocolos de bioseguridad. Se fortaleció la vigilancia entomológica institucional en lugar de las viviendas. La información se recolectó en Medellín durante los años 2018 a 2021, en las actividades del programa de vigilancia y control de vectores, que incluyen la vigilancia epidemiológica y entomo-virológica, el levantamiento de los índices entomológicos, el monitoreo de ovitrampas, la movilización social y comunitaria, la búsqueda y eliminación de criaderos, y el control químico; estas acciones se adaptarons o incrementaron para favorecer, de una parte, el autocuidado de las comunidades en confinamiento total y parcial, y de desarrollar las acciones de prevención y control. Resultados. Se incrementó en un 40 % la vigilancia del mosquito mediante ovitrampas, la vigilancia entomo-virológica presentó un incremento de 34,4 % en el 2020 respecto al 2019, y se utilizaron herramientas virtuales para mantener y mejorar el contacto con la comunidad. Conclusión. La pandemia por COVID-19 causó gran impacto en los programas de prevención y control de las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores. Medellín adaptó rápidamente las actividades de vigilancia entomo-virológica, las acciones de control y la comunicación con la comunidad durante la pandemia, y esto permitió mantener activo el programa del manejo integrado de vectores en la ciudad.

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic pressured health care systems to remain alert and active in their vector-borne disease control and prevention programs, leading to changes in vector control strategies in urban areas affected by dengue, Zika and chikungunya. Objective: To describe the adaptations made to the vector control and surveillance program in Medellín during the COVID-19 health emergency. Materials and methods: Once the health emergency started, biosecurity protocols were developed. Entomological surveillance was strengthened from the institutional environment instead of homes. Data was collected in Medellín from 2018 to 2021 during the vector control and surveillance program activities, which included epidemiological and entomo- virological surveillance, entomological index survey, ovitrap monitoring, community mobilization, search and elimination of mosquito breading sites, and chemical control. These actions were adapted and/or increased to promote self-care among communities in total and partial confinement, and to develop prevention and control measures. Results: Mosquito monitoring was increased by 40% using ovitraps, entomological- virological surveillance showed an increase in 2020 of 34,4% compared to 2019 and virtual media was used to keep and improve contact with the community. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on arbovirus prevention and control programs. The city of Medellín quickly adapted its entomo-virological surveillance activities, control measures, and the contact with the community during the pandemic, which allow the Integrated Vector Management program to remain active in the city.

Vector Borne Diseases , COVID-19 , Arboviruses , Aedes , Dengue
J Vector Borne Dis ; 2023 Jan; 60(1): 57-64
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216917


Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) plays an important role as a vector of different deadly diseases particularly dengue fever. Insecticides are used as a primary tool to control Ae. aegypti. However, due to the excessive use of insecticides on agricultural, public health, and industrial levels, mosquitoes have developed resistance. In this study, the current susceptibility status of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes against different insecticides (Temephos, DDT, dieldrin, Malathion, Bendiocarb, Permethrin, Cypermethrin, and Lambda-cyhalothrin) was evaluated in district Lahore and district Muzaffargarh of Punjab, Pakistan. For this purpose, WHO bioassays and biochemical assays were performed on Ae. aegypti population from Lahore (APLa) and Aedes population from Muzaffargarh (APMg). Results of APLa and APMg showed high levels of resistance against the larvicide Temephos. Resistance against all adulticides was also observed in APLa and APMg (% mortality < 98%). The biochemical assays indicated statistically significant elevated levels of detoxification enzymes in APLa and APMg. APLa showed slightly higher levels as compared to APMg. Mosquitoes were also screened for the presence of kdr mutations. The results revealed no mutation in domain II while the presence of mutation F1534C in domain III was found in both field populations. The results showed the presence of moderate to high grade resistance against all insecticides in Ae. aegypti in district Lahore and district Muzaffargarh of Punjab, Pakistan

J Vector Borne Dis ; 2023 Jan; 60(1): 79-87
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216906


Background & objectives: Nanotechnology, an emerging field, has acquired considerable attention for the control of vectors. The present study aimed to synthesize, characterize copper sulfide- and eucalyptus oil-based hybrid nanoemulsions and investigate their larvicidal potential against Aedes aegypti by studying larvicidal bioassay, morphological aberrations, histopathological alterations, biochemical analysis and evaluation of risk assessment in non-target organisms. Methods: Hybrid nanoemulsions were prepared by mixing aqueous copper sulfide nanoparticles (CuSNPs) with non-polar eucalyptus oil in five ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5) by sonication, screened and characterized using Transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Larvicidal activity was recorded and toxicity values were calculated by log-probit method. Morphological, histological and biochemical changes were examined in Aedes aegypti larvae after treatment. Nanohybrids were also tested under simulated conditions and against non-target organism. Results: The nanohybrid ratio of 1:5 was found to be stable after thermodynamic stability tests. TEM studies revealed average size of 90±7.90 nm with globular shape. LC50 and LC90 toxicity values of prepared CuSNPs were calculated out to be 5.00 and 5.81ppm after 24 hours treatment. Effective concentration of prepared nanohybrid (6.5ppm) tested under simulated conditions showed maximum larvicidal mortality after 48 hours of exposure. No toxicity towards the Mesocyclops spp. was observed after treatment of these nanohybrids even up to 21 days. Interpretation & conclusion: Copper sulfide based hybrid nanoemulsions were found to show efficient larvicidal property which can be used for the formulation of ecofriendly bio-larvicide against Aedes aegypti.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 462-2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979731


@#Abstract: Objective In order to explore the application prospects of the phenyl pyrazole insecticide fipronil for mosquito control and identify potential target genes involved in the resistance of Aedes aegypti to fipronil, and lay the foundation for an in-depth study of the resistance mechanism of Aedes aegypti to fipronil. Methods Using Aedes aegypti sensitive strains as experimental materials, Aedes aegypti larvae were treated with fipronil, and the differences in gene expression of Aedes aegypti larvae before and after drug administration were compared at the transcriptome level using transcriptome sequencing combined with bioinformatics analysis, and the differential genes were analyzed. Results A total of 757 differentially expressed genes were identified between the fipronil-treated group and control group, including 217 and 540 up- and down-regulated genes, respectively. Among these, the expression of glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCls) genes varied significantly before and after treatment. Gene ontology analysis revealed that differentially expressed genes were enriched in catalytic activity, binding, metabolic processes, and membrane-related functions, while KEGG pathway analysis indicated enrichment in biosynthesis, metabolism, and life regulation processes, while the glutathione metabolic pathway was enriched in 15 differentially expressed genes. Conclusions The transcriptome results revealed that GST gene expression was significantly upregulated in fipronil-treated Aedes aegypti larvae, indicating that GST gene is involved in the development of fipronil resistance in Aedes aegypti larvae. In addition, GluCls gene expression was also significantly different before and after treatment, suggesting that GluCls migh be a potential target receptor for fipronil resistance in Aedes aegypti. As GluCls is an ideal target receptor found only in invertebrates, this discovery provides a reference and basis for further exploration of the toxicological mechanism of fipronil on Aedes aegypti.

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences ; : 40-45, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988696


@#Introduction: Dengue Fever (DF) is a disease spread by Aedes spp. caused by dengue virus infection. The study aimed to identify the density of Aedes spp eggs and larvas stages and the characteristics of their habitat in dengue-endemic areas in Ternate City in September-December 2021. Methods: the research was conducted in four dengue-endemic villages in Ternate City, namely Sangaji, Maliaro, Bastiong Karance, and Bastiong Talangame village. In 80 households, egg density was determined by placing 2 ovitraps in each house, one inside and one outside the house. After a week, the filter paper which is a medium mosquito to lay their eggs in the ovitrap was collected, and the ovitrap index value was calculated. The value of the House Index (HI), Container Index (CI), and Breuteu Index (BI) was used to calculate the larval density. The type and materials of the containers were used to assess the parameters of the larval environment. Results: The ovitrap index value in the four villages was categorized as moderate level 3 (27.50% -36.25%). The highest larval density was found in Sangaji Village (HI = 81%), while the lowest was in Bastion Talangame Village (HI = 70%). The highest CI and BI values were found in Bastiong Karance Village (CI=51.5% and BI=190%), and the lowest was in Maliaro Village (CI=37.5% and BI=128%). Density figures in all endemic villages have a high larval density with a value of 8. Conclusion: There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the types and the materials of containers in each village in Dengue endemic areas. The high density of the egg and larval stage and the information characteristic of habitat Aedes spp. could be considered as basic information for dengue vector control in Ternate City.

Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control ; (6): 63-67, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965529


Objective To investigate the seasonal Aedes population fluctuation and the resistance of Aedes populations to common insecticides in Jiangsu Province in 2020, so as to provide insights into vector-borne infectious diseases control.. Methods One village was randomly sampled from each of Xinbei District of Changzhou City and Zhangjiagang County of Suzhou City in southern Jiangsu Province, Hai’an County of Nantong City and Yandu District of Yancheng City in Central Jiangsu Province, and Suining County of Xuzhou City and Sihong County of Suqian City in northern Jiangsu Province during the period between May and October, 2020. A small ponding container was sampled, and larval Aedes mosquitoes were collected using straws once each in early and late stages of each month. All larvae were bred in laboratory to adults for population identification. In addition, larval breeding were observed in all small ponding containers in and out of 30 households that were randomly sampled from six surveillance sites, and the larval mosquito density was estimated using Breteau index. Larval A. albopictus mosquitoes were sampled around Cuiyuan New Village in Jintan District of Changzhou City, and bred in laboratory to the first offspring generation, and the susceptibility of adult female mosquitoes to deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, malathion, and propoxur was tested using the filter-paper bioassay recommended by WHO. Results A total of 1 165 larval Aedes mosquitoes were captured from small ponding containers in six surveillance sites of Jiangsu Province in 2020, and all were identified as A. albopictus following eclosion. The largest number of Aedes larvae captured was found in July. A total of 1 152 households were investigated in six surveillance sites, and the mean Breteau indexes were 9.58, 13.20, 13.71, 13.20, 12.18 and 5.58 from May to October, respectively, while a high Aedes transmission risk was seen in Xinbei District of Changzhou City, with a higher Breteau index than in Suining (H = 23.667, Padjusted = 0.001) and Sihong (H = 22.500, Padjusted = 0.003) counties. The field-captured A. albopictus from Cuiyuan New Village in Jintan District of Changzhou City remained sensitive to malathion, but was resistant to propoxur, and developed high-level resistance to deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin. Conclusions A. albopictus was present in southern, central and northern Jiangsu Province in 2020, and the larval density peaked in July. A. albopictus captured from Cuiyuan New Village in Jintan District of Changzhou City has developed high-level resistance to pyrethroid pesticides.

Article in English | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1526276


Dengue and other arboviruses have a considerable economic impact in Brazil. There are vector control strategies for dengue: traditional control with pesticides, Incompatible Insect Technique (IIT) with "wMel Wolbachia", and Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). Objective: To analyze the cost-effectiveness ratio of the IIT/SIT strategy, compared to traditional vector control with pesticides, for dengue prevention from the perspective of the Brazilian Public Health System (BPHS) as the payer and from the societal perspective in the state of Goiás, Brazil. Methods: The two strategies were compared using a decision tree model developed in Amua® software. All estimated parameters were derived from published articles or SUS information systems. The willingness-to-pay threshold (WTP), quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), years of life gained, costs, incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs), and incremental cost-utility ratios (ICURs) were adopted as study outcomes and parameters. We conducted deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses. Results: Form the BPHS perspective, the IIT-SIT strategy is cost-effective, with an ICUR of R$ 72,200 per QALY gained, which is lower than the WTP of R$ 122,064.30/QALY gained. From the societal perspective, the IIT-SIT strategy is dominant (cheaper and more effective than traditional vector control). Sensitivity analyses showed that these results are reliable. Conclusion: In the state of Goiás, Brazil, the IIT/SIT strategy is cost-effective from the perspective of BPHS and dominant from the societal perspective, when compared to traditional vector control

A dengue e demais arboviroses têm impacto econômico considerável no Brasil. Há estratégias para controle vetorial da dengue: controle vetorial tradicional com pesticidas; Técnica do Inseto Incompatível (TII) com "wMel Wolbachia" e Técnica do Inseto Estéril (TIE). Objetivo: Analisar a razão de custo-efetividade da estratégia de TII/TIE, comparada ao controle vetorial tradicional com pesticidas, para prevenção da dengue, na perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) como pagador e na perspectiva societal no Estado de Goiás, Brasil. Métodos: As duas estratégias foram comparadas usando um modelo de árvore de decisão desenvolvido no software Amua®. Todos os parâmetros estimados foram derivados de artigos publicados ou dos sistemas de informação do SUS. Limite de disposição para pagar (LDAP), Anos de vida ajustados pela qualidade (QALYs), anos de vida ganho, custos e razões de custo-efetividade incremental (RCEI) e custo-utilidade incremental (RCUI) foram adotados como desfechos e parâmetros do estudo. Análises de sensibilidade determinísticas e probabilísticas foram conduzidas. Resultados: Na perspectiva do SUS como pagador, a estratégia de TII-TIE é custo-efetiva, com RCUI de R$ 72,2 mil reais por QALY ganho, que é inferior ao LDAP de R$ 122.064,30/QALY ganho. Na perspectiva societal, a estratégia de TII-TIE é dominante (mais barata e mais efetiva que o controle vetorial tradicional). As análises de sensibilidade mostraram que esses resultados são confiáveis. Conclusão: No Estado de Goiás, Brasil, a estratégia de TII/TIE parece ser custo-efetiva na perspectiva do SUS e dominante na perspectiva societal, quando comparada ao controle vetorial tradicional

Cost-Benefit Analysis , Dengue/prevention & control , Vector Control of Diseases
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-5, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468822


The essential oil of citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus) has several biological activities, among them the insect repellent action. Some studies showed that cinnamic acid esters can be applied as natural pesticides, insecticides and fungicides. In this context, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the production of esters from citronella essential oil with cinnamic acid via enzymatic esterification. Besides, the essential oil toxicity before and after esterification against Artemia salina and larvicidal action on Aedes aegypti was investigated. Esters were produced using cinnamic acid as the acylating agent and citronella essential oil (3:1) in heptane and 15 wt% NS 88011 enzyme as biocatalysts, at 70 °C and 150 rpm. Conversion rates of citronellyl and geranyl cinnamates were 58.7 and 69.0% for NS 88011, respectively. For the toxicity to Artemia salina LC50 results of 5.29 μg mL-¹ were obtained for the essential oil and 4.36 μg mL-¹ for the esterified oils obtained with NS 88011. In the insecticidal activity against Aedes aegypti larvae, was obtained LC50 of 111.84 μg mL-¹ for the essential oil of citronella and 86.30 μg mL-¹ for the esterified oils obtained with the enzyme NS 88011, indicating high toxicity of the esters. The results demonstrated that the evaluated samples present potential of application as bioinsecticide.

O óleo essencial de citronela (Cymbopogon winterianus) possui diversas atividades biológicas, entre elas a ação repelente a insetos. Alguns estudos mostraram que os ésteres do ácido cinâmico podem ser aplicados como pesticidas naturais, inseticidas e fungicidas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a produção de ésteres a partir do óleo essencial de citronela com ácido cinâmico via esterificação enzimática. Além disso, foi investigada a toxicidade do óleo essencial antes e após a esterificação contra Artemia salina e a ação larvicida sobre Aedes aegypti. Os ésteres foram produzidos utilizando ácido cinâmico como agente acilante e óleo essencial de citronela (3: 1) em heptano e 15% em peso da enzima NS 88011 como biocatalisadores, a 70 ° C e 150 rpm. As taxas de conversão de cinamatos de citronelil e geranil foram 58,7 e 69,0% para NS 88011, respectivamente. Para a toxicidade sobre Artemia salina foram obtidos CL50 de 5,29 μg mL-¹ para o óleo essencial e 4,36 μg mL-¹ para os óleos esterificados com NS 88011. Na atividade inseticida contra larvas de Aedes aegypti, obteve-se CL50 de 111,84 μg mL-¹ para o óleo essencial de citronela e 86,30 μg mL-¹ para os óleos esterificados com a enzima NS 88011, indicando alta toxicidade dos ésteres. Os resultados demonstraram que as amostras avaliadas apresentam potencial de aplicação como bioinseticida.

Animals , Aedes , Artemia , Cymbopogon/enzymology , Cymbopogon/toxicity , Esters/toxicity
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-5, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468828


Numerous studies have investigated the chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils from different Citrus species fruit peel, leaves and flowers. This paper aims to investigate the chemical composition, larvicidal and antileishmanial activities of essential oil from Citrus reticulata fruit peel (CR-EO). CR-EO was obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and its chemical composition was analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID. Limonene (85.7%), ɣ-terpinene (6.7%) and myrcene (2.1%) were identified as its major components. CR-EO showed high activity against promastigote forms of Leishmania amazonensis (IC50 = 8.23 µg/mL). CR-EO also exhibited high larvicidal activity against third instar Aedes aegypti larvae at a lethal concentration (LC50 = 58.35 µg/mL) and 100% mortality at 150 µg/mL. This study suggests, for the first time, the potential use of CR-EO against this important mosquito-borne viral disease caused by the genus Aedes.

Numerosos estudos têm investigado a composição química e as atividades biológicas de óleos essenciais extraídos de cascas dos frutos, folhas e flores de diferentes espécies de Citrus. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a composição química e as atividades larvicida e leishmanicida in vitro do óleo essencial das cascas dos frutos de Citrus reticulata (CR-EO). CR-EO foi obtido pela técnica de extração em aparelho Clevenger e sua composição química foi determinada por CG-EM e CG-DIC. Limoneno (85,7%), ɣ-terpineno (6,7%) and mirceno (2,1%) foram identificados como os constituintes majoritários. CR-EO mostrou alta atividade contra as formas promastigota de Leishmania amazonensis (CI50 = 8,23 µg/mL). CR-EO também exibiu alta atividade larvicida contra as larvas do terceiro estágio do Aedes aegypti com concentração letal (CL50 = 58,35 µg/mL) e mortalidade de 100% em 150 µg/mL. Este estudo sugere, pela primeira vez, o uso potencial de CR-EO contra esta importante doença viral transmitida por mosquitos do gênero Aedes.

Aedes/drug effects , Citrus/chemistry , Leishmania/drug effects , Limonene/analysis , In Vitro Techniques , Oils, Volatile/chemistry